



Igor Beuker is a world-renowned speaker, having worked for top brands such as Microsoft, Apple, NASA, TED, and Rolling Stone Magazine.
He been speech at the biggest conference stages worldwide, and is a real genius at engaging audiences with inspiring and intelligent discussions.

There are certain people who, upon meeting them, leave a lasting impression due to their personality, ability to communicate, and worldview, and Igor Beuker is definitely one of those people. I first met Igor at a private villa party in Ibiza few  years ago.

It was a warm September night, with Jamie Jones providing fantastic music. 

In the midst of all the chaos, my wife Lela introduced us.

Within minutes, he made it clear that he was no ordinary man.

Igor’s way of seeing things was completely different from anyone else I had ever met. 


His ideas about the future seemed so far ahead of everyone else’s that it was almost hard to visualize. 

He talked to me about the fundamental importance of content and ideas in creating anything, and how, thanks to the right marketing and communication, goals that were previously unthinkable could be achieved.

He explained that a new market was about to explode, and it was all about this new virtual world where users could access and buy art, digital graphics, and everything related to it.

But there was one thing that I just couldn’t understand: how people could spend millions of euros on digital graphics. Everything he was telling me was about cryptocurrencies, online platforms, virtual worlds, and transaction taxes. 

Igor was talking to me about a world that didn’t exist yet, but today is real: that of NFTs, unique and authentic digital artworks that are bought and sold through online platforms like OpenSea

It’s a world that is expanding every day, where the value of digital artworks is getting higher and higher, where collectors spend millions of euros to have a unique artwork in their digital portfolio.

Igor was not only ahead of his time, but he also had the ability to communicate his ideas clearly and engagingly.

 His passion for communication and the digital world was evident, and this made him a constant source of inspiration for anyone who had the fortune to meet him. 

Today, the digital world is becoming increasingly important for our daily lives and the global economy. 

Igor’s predictions have proven accurate, and his contribution to the development of this world has been invaluable.

He is an example of how effective communication and vision can open up new roads for the future.

I had the pleasure of spending several hours with Igor at his beautiful villa in Sant Gertrudis, Can Canto. It is a  infamous Mecca for every models on the island, by the way  ladies ….. IGOR is single shhhhhhhhhh……. and we spoke at length about his ideas and vision for the future. You can find everything we discussed in the interview below, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  • Do you remember the moment when you felt that communication would be a fundamental part of your life, a way to express yourself?

I had a brutal youth. Compare it to a Favela kid, but wandering the streets of Amsterdam. An angry mom and no dad made me end up in foster homes for a few years. Luckily, my grandparents could take me in and take care of me. They saved my life.

My grandparents also taught me about humanity, history, fascism, war, media and propaganda, and the power of authentic leadership and truthful storytelling.

That must have planted the seeds. But at that moment, I had different dreams and goals. My first word wasn’t mom or dad; my first word was “Ball.” I was passionate about football and dreamed of getting signed by Ajax, Barcelona, and AC Milan.

In 25 years, I was kicked out of professional football and expelled from University. The reason why they kicked me out? I was a talented player and played all youth national teams. But I also had a Zlatan mentality, maybe not his quality. They kicked me out. Here I was, back at ground zero again. A complete and utter misfit. Now what?

I embraced my inner child—a space kid fascinated by space, sci-fi, and storytelling. In the second part of my life, I transformed into a radical marketing visionary and a modern-day serial entrepreneur. I believed in big waves called the internet and digital marketing and became a prominent international business speaking circuit speaker.

I started, led, and sold 5 businesses and invested a large chunk of that money into 24 social startups: people, planet, and prosperity companies. Meet a misfit on a mission.

  • You are one of the prominent speakers in the international circuit, and every year you meet tens of thousands of people who are impressed by your authenticity. How do you prepare yourself to be so?


Live on stage is like walking towards my purpose or True North Star. A misfit on a mission, pushing big dreams into action, spurring massive cultural and technological change. Imagine the future to inspire millions of entrepreneurs to become a force for good.

I stand up and speak up where needed. I always speak from the heart. Last few years, mainstream media have framed me, and toxic social media platforms (shadow)banned me. I have been arrested and locked up abroad for speaking the truth. It is a dangerous profession because shady regimes have locked up and killed journalists, writers, and public speakers.

The good news? Through live events, I reach around half a million people each year. Since most events are hybrid, live streams have extended my reach to 1.6 million people a year. Via my own media channels, I can connect directly to my fans. We are moving beyond big tech, toxic social media, and fans on lease.

  • Your ability to pick up on trends before others stand out in your career. Is there something or someone you draw inspiration from or is it simply empirical observation of the world and society?

That is an excellent question. Today, I’m still that 4-year-old space kid, fascinated by sci-fi and science. I am curious and still, today, want to know WHY. I want to learn and explore. I think my misfit superpowers are curiosity and imagination.

After our Walt Disney years, we seem to lose our imagination. Probably because our education, parents, and society teach us to color within the lines and to take no risks. I’m the complete opposite. I can imagine the future and have a sixth sense for trends. I have a fantastic research team powered by algorithms and AI. I love to explore and seek future scenarios.

The speaking method I developed is imagination, inspiration, motivation, and action. I take my audiences on a ride toward the future and predict future scenarios for brands, events, cities, and countries. If we can imagine a brighter future, we can create it. It all starts with imagination. Elon Musk dreams about going to Mars. Set big dreams or big goals. Next, demolish them. In my talks, I strap a rocket to people’s linear minds.

  • How would you define yourself regarding the old question of the media/society relationship: apocalyptic or integrated? Is it communication that influences society or vice-versa?

As a speaker and futurist, I predict future scenarios. I show my audiences how exponential technologies will impact business, the economy, and society. Many people trust my radical vision and reliable voice. But what is the line between being a visionary and a complete idiot? That line is very, very thin.

In my talks, I strap a rocket to people’s linear minds so they can see and understand future scenarios.
I am bold and outspoken about that; Technology can empower or control humanity. I’m pro-decentralization, freedom of speech, and power to the people. Governments should back off and facilitate us.

  • Your ten-year relationship with essential international brands is well known: is there one from which you have learned the most?

I fucked up a football career, but I still had international dreams. After being a CMO for 10 years, I started 3 marketing companies in 2003. LaComunidad was a next-level agency manifesto that created communities and tribes around brands, events, artists, and cities.

Soon we worked for Nike, LÓREAL, Unilever, and Amazon. After 5 years, big media networks like Omnicom and WPP knocked on our doors. I sold to WPP for 3 main reasons. The exit would prove my vision and silence my critics. Misfits like me have a more significant motivation than money: Misfits want to prove the naysayers wrong and show them it can be done.

A global network like WPP, with 200,000 employees and many big brands in their portfolio, was my ticket into the Champions League. This was my ‘gifted second chance to achieve my dreams.

I believe in the importance of having a sensei. Let’s call him Mr. Miyagi. Or Mr. Han for the screenager generation. I told WPP CEO and founder Sir Martin Sorrell: “I will sign with you, if you transfer your 50 years of knowledge and experience into my system. Let’s call it a Matrix upload.”

It’s one of the essential tips I have. Coaches and mentors are good, but try to find a sensei—a very experienced man or woman you admire and would love to learn from.

  • Is there any public figure in any field that you follow with particular interest at the moment?

I certainly have a list of remarkable social entrepreneurs who I follow. I have always been a big fan of rockstar philanthropist Sir Richard Branson. I also follow the non-linear mind of Elon Musk. I also admire social entrepreneurs like Boyan Slat, founder of The Ocean Cleanup.

In sports, Novak Djokovic is a legend to me, both on the court and in life. Of course, I follow Tony Robbins, who put professional public speaking on the map.

I also work with many cause artists and athletes. I inspire them to mobilize their fans to do good. To share wealth and to use NFT for good. I’m not impressed by bling, Bentleys, and FTX. I care about the greater good. To help other misfits achieve their dreams.

I help leading artists and athletes to move beyond big tech, toxic social media, and fans on lease. Necessary strategic steps are owning your IP, media, and fan relationships.

  • Success sometimes alters perception: what do you do to maintain the right balance?

That is a tough one. Freaks like me? They often balance on edge. Is my mission worth being locked up abroad? Do I risk that they will make me disappear one day? How do I explain this to my son? How do I explain this to myself in the mirror?

Top speaking is top sports. I do around 150 gigs a year. It’s like the DJs, but I have water and a black coffee in my rider. I eat healthily, train like a monster, read a few hours daily, and meditate. I love the rhythm

  • In your life, you have had the opportunity to play professional sport. Is it fair to say that without a true “sports culture” you would not be where you are now?

It is fair to state that a top sports mentality is in my DNA. I can leave and do everything needed to stay at the top. I love team sports and collaborative ecosystems, not ego systems.

I am grateful to my grandparents, my challenging youth, my gladiator drive, and my short career as a football player. It made me the man I am today.

“It is never too late to be what you might have been” is a quote I love. It comes from Victorian novelist George Eliot.

  • You have been described many times in very flattering words. Would you give me your favorite definition of yourself?

Well, I fucked up big time in life. Many times. The definition I like the most? Audiences describe me in their reviews as Burning Man meets TED.” I can live with that. Why?

Because I am dedicated to making public speaking badass. Whoever said B2B was supposed to be boring2boring?

  • Igor, what is your greatest fear?

I survived stage 4 cancer and meningitis, acute inflammation of the brain. I think it helped me to overcome my biggest fears. I admire Mandela and Malala and am prepared to risk my life for my cause.

Close to fearless, my friends and family tell me. They don’t always mean that as a compliment.