



The Last Rebel Standing.
A voice from the Europen Parlament.

Mick Wallace: The Last Rebel Standing. A voice from the Europen Parlament. 

As a voice for the European Parliament, Mr. Wallace stands apart as a courageous and unflinching advocate for the truth. In a society where many are afraid to speak out, he fearlessly exposes the issues that threaten our democracy, making him a true rebel in a world that often values conformity over courage. Mr. Wallace is the last rebel standing, a beacon of hope for those who still believe in the power of truth and integrity. His unwavering commitment to exposing the problems that others are afraid to confront makes him a hero to many, and a symbol of hope in a world that often seems dark and uncertain. In this interview, we will have the privilege of hearing from Mr. Wallace himself, as he shares his insights and perspectives on the issues that matter most to the European Parliament. Join us as we explore the mind of this remarkable man, and discover what makes him the last rebel standing, and perhaps the last hope for a world in need of courageous leadership. 

  • How do you believe global economic and political power should be distributed to address global inequality and promote stability?   

Question 1. In general, there is a growing recognition among experts and policymakers that the current distribution of global economic and political power is highly unequal and contributes to instability and conflicts. Many argue that addressing this imbalance requires a fundamental rethinking of existing institutions and practices, including trade policies, financial regulations, and governance structures.


Some specific proposals that have been put forward to address global inequality and promote stability include:

1. Reducing economic inequality within and between countries by implementing policies that ensure fair distribution of wealth, such as progressive taxation, social welfare programs, and labor protections.

2. Reforming global trade policies to promote greater equity and sustainability, including fairer labor standards, environmental protections, and access to markets for developing countries.

3. Addressing the root causes of conflicts and instability, such as poverty, corruption, and human rights abuses, through a combination of diplomatic, economic, and humanitarian interventions.

4. Strengthening international institutions and norms that promote cooperation and collaboration among nations, including the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the International Monetary Fund. Overall, the key to addressing global inequality and promoting stability is a collective effort by governments, international organizations, civil society, and individuals to work towards a more equitable and just global order. 

  • What steps do you believe should be taken to address climate change and promote sustainable development on a global scale? 

To address climate change and promote sustainable development globally, steps such as transitioning to clean energy, reducing carbon emissions, protecting and restoring natural ecosystems, increasing public awareness and education, and implementing policies and regulations that incentivize sustainability are necessary. Additionally, global cooperation and collaboration among governments, businesses, and individuals are crucial to achieving significant progress towards sustainability. 

  • How can countries work together to address the refugee crisis and promote humanitarian values while respecting national sovereignty? 

Countries can work together to address the refugee crisis and promote humanitarian values while respecting national sovereignty by:

1. Cooperating on international agreements and frameworks to provide protection and assistance to refugees.

2. Sharing the burden of hosting refugees through equitable distribution and support. Providing development assistance and addressing the root causes of displacement.

3. Supporting the voluntary and safe return of refugees to their home countries when conditions permit.

4. Respecting the principles of non-refoulement, which prohibit the return of refugees to a country where they may face persecution or harm.

5. By working together in these ways, countries can uphold their sovereign responsibilities while also fulfilling their moral obligations to protect and assist refugees. 

  • What role do you believe technology and innovation can play in addressing global challenges such as poverty, disease, and access to education? 

Technology and innovation can play a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as poverty, disease, and access to education by:

1. Increasing access to information and resources: Technology can provide access to educational resources, healthcare information, and financial services to underserved populations, which can help lift people out of poverty.

2. Enhancing healthcare: Technology can improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases, as well as facilitate communication between patients and healthcare providers, particularly in remote or low-resource settings. 3. Fostering economic growth: Innovation can drive economic growth and create new job opportunities, leading to poverty reduction and increased access to education.

4. Improving education: Technology can provide access to quality education for students in remote or low-resource areas, as well as facilitate collaboration and communication between students and teachers.

Overall, technology and innovation have the potential to transform the way we address global challenges, by providing new solutions and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of existing ones. 

  • How can international cooperation be improved to address issues such as terrorism and cybersecurity threats? 

International cooperation to address issues such as terrorism and cybersecurity threats can be improved by:

1. Strengthening communication and information-sharing among countries and relevant organizations.

2. Developing common norms and standards to guide behavior in cyberspace and counterterrorism efforts.

3. Enhancing law enforcement and intelligence cooperation to track and apprehend individuals and groups involved in terrorism and cybercrime.

4. Promoting capacity building and technical assistance programs to help countries improve their cybersecurity capabilities and counterterrorism measures. 

  • How can we promote human rights and democratic values while respecting cultural diversity and national sovereignty? 

However, the European Parliament plays a vital role in promoting peace and stability globally through its legislative, budgetary, and oversight powers. To enhance its effectiveness, steps such as increased transparency, communication with citizens, and cooperation with other EU institutions could be taken.


Interview by Marco Bassi